Peer Review Process

Authors submits article

At this stage, authors submit articles through our journal portal on the Online Journal System platform on the online submission menu: Authors fill in every provision in the metadata filling process, such as Title, Abstract, Keywords, and references. Author name consists of First Name, Middle Name, and Lastname. As a note on filling in the name; if the author's name consists of a single syllable, then the first name must be filled with the initials of the author's first letter and then filled in using the original name (Example: Aditya, then write A. as the first name and Aditya as the last name) so that the manuscript is written A Aditya. On the rules of our journal. We do not allow words with single syllables to be repeated (example: Aditya Aditya). This we do not allow. Although in, some journals allow repetition of writing for a name with a single syllable. However, we follow international rules on the author's name and writing model with single syllables. The part that is no less important for the author is that references refer to reputable journals such as SCOPUS, WOS, and so on, such as DOAJ. Our request for reference numbers is rigorous, namely a minimum of 25 lists and as far as possible completed by DOI literature references. For more details, the author can read the writing instructions at: Our supporting reference issue is very rigid, considering that our primary goal is to be read by global readers and as evidence that the manuscripts we publish refer to credible journals.


Article Assessed by Editor

After the manuscript is submitted to our journal portal, we will review the manuscript in the pre-initial review process with a processing period of about 7-14 working days. Our review process is the suitability of the manuscript with our focus & scope; the percentage of similarity with the provisions is <20% of similarity. Maybe in the future, if we have obtained the accreditation process and quality index (e.g., SCOPUS, WOS), then the regulation on similarity will be even stricter to a maximum of 10%. Furthermore, manuscripts that do not comply with the provisions of focus and scope, similarity, readability, and other matters that we consider urgent, which refer to the quality of the manuscript, and reference references, we will decide to reject by desk decision. Then, if we have declared the manuscript follows all our provisions, we will forward the manuscript to the reviewers.


Sent to Reviewers

The review process by the reviewers uses the double blind reviews method. The form of reviewers' assessment can be seen in

Reviews Assessed by Editor

At least two reviewers review the review process; in this process, the editor section will assess the depth of their review. The editor also reserves the right to add review results if deemed necessary. Apart from that, if the results of the review are found that the first reviewer states a manuscript is Accepted, and the second reviewer states Rejected, then the editor can decide whether the manuscript is Major Revision, minor revision, or rejected. Or the editor reserves the right to include another reviewer to review the paper. In this process, the editor has no right to limit the reviewers' authority. The reviewers have the right to comment on the manuscript according to the international writing standards. The authors or reviewers are also not allowed to contact the authors or vice versa to promise anything for the manuscript to be accepted because this is against any form of publication ethics. The editor will pay close attention to the affiliation between editors and reviewers to avoid conflicts of interest.

Further Review Needed? 

Suppose some things need to be revised by the authors in their manuscript. In that case, the decision is that the manuscript will be sent back to the authors through the online journal system with all information in the form of reviewers' comments and revisions required. At this stage, the authors have revised their manuscript following the comments of our reviewers and editors. Then the results of the correction will be reviewed by reviewers and editors. This process will be repeated until the manuscript is under or accepted by the terms of publication.

Copyediting / Production 

At this stage, we will copyedit the manuscript that has been declared accepted according to the publication template in the Golden Ratio Journal. The copyediting stage of the manuscript is carried out by our copyeditor. The task of the copyeditor, apart from laying out the manuscript, is to publish a Letter of Acceptance and attach it to the copyediting discussion column on our online journal system menu. The managing editor is also tasked with checking the quality of the layout copyediting carried out by the copyeditor as well as signing a Letter of Acceptance before it is sent through the online journal system in PDF form. Authors are also required to fill out and sign the authors statement letter form which contains the roles of each author in the manuscript. Author statement letter can be seen at: .The copyeditor is also tasked with re-checking the relevance of supporting references, re-checking similarity using turnitin, Ithinticate, plagiarism checker, and readability using Grammarly. Furthermore, if the copyediting process has been declared appropriate, the copyeditor will send the manuscript to the Production Editor section to be completed with Galley, DOI, and the issue of the manuscript will be published. The production editor's job is to make sure the DOI assigned matches the DOI description in the manuscript, ensures that the history of the articles in the received, revised, and accepted sections is correct, and ensure the appropriate page numbering.


The process of publishing the manuscript after going through the copyediting process takes 5-10 working days by the Production Editor. Furthermore, the Chief Editor or Managing Editor will activate DOI if the manuscript has been published. Moreover, the Chief Editor and Managing Editor will ensure that every published manuscript has been entered in the Google Scholar, Kudos, Scite, Dimension database, and so on as a sign of our dedication to global readers in terms of spreading knowledge and our commitment to the authors so that the manuscript those that have been published have been disseminated.